Friday, August 14, 2009


What udder excitement!!!! We've been trying for years to teach the boys how to ride their bikes and it's been such an undertaking. One push and Laura was taking off without the training wheels but the boys.....Yikes!

Today was the day.....I had it, gazing up at the bikes so neatly hanging from the ceiling of our garage, today was the day they are going to ride!

We got them down, aired up the tires, helmets and pads prepared ...we ventured. Jeremiah wanted to learn first, a little apprehensive but eager to conquer. With one quick breath and a half a dozen tries I gave a little push from behind and voila! He rode for 2 straight hours and only stopped momentarily to take a drink of water.

Thomas was another complexing situation. He was so scared that he'd get started and cry as he pedaled. Only a few feet at a time, he was about to give up for good.....slowly but surely he didn't notice that I let go. What joy! He pedaled as hard as he could, wabbly at best but he did it. For the next 30 minutes he wanted to ride until his face turned red. With pride in his stride and a glow about him, his accomplishment was such a breakthrough in his development that he continues to amaze us.

Biking....such a simple yet gratifying accomplishment and one that he will be proud to have achieved long after this date.

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