Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Awana Grand Prix

Tonight was Jeremiah's 2nd time entering a derby race for Awana club. Last year he won 1st place for being the fastest. Jeremiah picks out the design, Papa gets the credit for crafting it, and I, mom, paints it however Jeremiah designs it (using Hot Wheels as examples). As we anticipated each race, he was getting closer and closer, ending up in the final race for the 1st-4th place winners. Jeremiah was a little preoccupied and constantly zoning out but was excited none the less. Papa and Nana showed up this time and shared in our family's excitement.

He ended up 4th place but that's not all. One thing about people with autism is that they are built on routines. If something was done a certain way it is "always" done that way, so it became difficult to get Jeremiah to understand that although he won a trophy last year, this year he was not going to take home a trophy. He told me that he "has" to take one home because he did last time. In teaching children about winning/losing or trophy/ribbon some kids may not get it, but in Jeremiah's case the misunderstanding is exaggerated to the 10th degree! It's never a simple explanation and never spoken about again, it's repeated over and over and over and over....etc.

Saturday, February 05, 2005

Dinosaur Details

Jeremiah drew a dinosaur puppet today. He comments "Mommy, dinosaurs have bones just like us. Be careful, they're sharp. They have meat, too. It tastes like chicken!" Just a little detail you may not have known.

Friday, February 04, 2005

Literally Speaking

One thing interesting about autism is that those who have it think literally. So, the use of slang, colloquialisms, expressions is not something they understand. I find it funny when I accidentally use them and the look on his face is priceless. I said "Don't stick your foot in your mouth!" and he proceeded to touch his mouth while looking at his feet and said "What? My foot is not in my mouth!"

About 3 years ago, after he finally learned the word "help" he continually used it everywhere we went. We thought is would be a good time to teach him about the boy who cried wolf and the laughter didn't stop because he started crying and yelled out "Wolf, wolf, wolf!" We have many more examples of this... but then you'd be reading a book.

Thursday, February 03, 2005

The Miracle of Melatonin

We normally give Jeremiah a melatonin at 7 pm every night for the past 4 years, however, every so often he needs 1 during the day to help his mind get focused and his aggression a little subdued. Jeremiah woke up this morning feeling very frustrated, angry and started hitting and bopping Thomas and Laura on the head for no apparent reason. So, when I approached him and we discussed his behavior he said "I can't make it stop. I can't control my anger. Help me mom! I don't know why I'm doing it!" That's when I gave him a melatonin. Praise the Lord he can express his feelings and emotions. It was just 4 years ago that he was non-verbal, only screamed or grunted. His display of emotions consisted of self-injurious, violent behaviors, repetitive actions, echolalia or delayed echolalia and constant zoning and rocking. He still is not "always" compliant or expressive (but whose child really is...). God's still working on us and He has a plan!

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Cancelling the Noise

Bose came out with headphones that are geared toward "noise cancellation."  My father came across these, purchased them and gave them to us last week for Jeremiah.  So far, we've noticed that during church, this last Sunday, it drowned out the unnecessary chatter and vibrating "noise" that surrounded us.  He wasn't being distracted by everyone, their talk, movements, etc.  Yesterday we used it while homeschooling to see if it would help him to focus on his work instead of his younger siblings.  He was able to complete his work unassisted, complete and without struggling.  It looks as though Papa has found one piece of the puzzle that works for Jeremiah!  Anyone else with ideas.....just let us know!!!

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Cardboard Creations

I came home with a medium sized cardboard box and Jeremiah asked if he could use it for his imagination with a promise of not cutting it, so I agreed. He quickly turned this plain box into a car. With only a marker, he strategically drew headlights, tail lights, wheels, gas tank, windows, and a steering wheel equipped with a horn. He quickly coerced his 3 year old sister, Laura, to "take a ride" as he pushed her throughout the house making car noises.

Soon after they started, baby dolls were being included and at one time Jeremiah stated the "baby" was sick and had to go to the doctor. (Dr. Mom, that is!) They drove their invention to me and asked that I fix the baby and that they would be back soon. Two minutes passed and there they were in front of me asking if the baby would be okay. I told them that the baby would be just fine.

Jeremiah commented to Laura, handing her the baby, "Honey, honey! Doctor mom said that the baby is okay, isn't that great!" And along they went....for 2 hours! (I just found out that Jeremiah had a little help from daddy on the hood of the car but the rest was Jeremiah's idea!)