Tuesday, May 03, 2005

The Tooth Fairy

Jeremiah had a wiggly front tooth and I told him to go to the bathroom and do the wiggle game. He did and then I heard "uh, oh!" He came running to me all upset because his tooth went down the bathroom sink drain. I told him that it'll be okay, because the tooth fairy always knows when he loses a tooth. He was still worried because he may not get a quarter. I reassured him that the tooth fairy is very creative and that he'll just have to wait.

The next morning, he got so excited because the tooth fairy left him a note on the bathroom counter with a quarter attached saying "Dearest Jeremiah, Sorry your tooth went down the drain! Here is a quarter to ease the pain! Love, The Tooth Fairy." So excited that the tooth fairy didn't forget about him, he wanted to write a letter back. It read " Dear The Tooth Fairy, Thank you for the quarter, but you can have it back for doing a good job. Love, Jeremiah."

Unfortunately, he had placed his quarter in his piggy bank. Inventive Jeremiah ran into the garage and inside the van to grab a quarter from the coin holder. He then proceeded to tape the quarter to the letter he had typed and taped it to the dining table. He said that The Tooth Fairy could find it anywhere. When I asked him if The Tooth Fairy was a boy or a girl, he replied "A girl!" Point blank, and that's that!

Leave it to Jeremiah to MAKE a difference, not to BE different. I just love the heart of our children.

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