Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Awana Grand Prix

Tonight was Jeremiah's 2nd time entering a derby race for Awana club. Last year he won 1st place for being the fastest. Jeremiah picks out the design, Papa gets the credit for crafting it, and I, mom, paints it however Jeremiah designs it (using Hot Wheels as examples). As we anticipated each race, he was getting closer and closer, ending up in the final race for the 1st-4th place winners. Jeremiah was a little preoccupied and constantly zoning out but was excited none the less. Papa and Nana showed up this time and shared in our family's excitement.

He ended up 4th place but that's not all. One thing about people with autism is that they are built on routines. If something was done a certain way it is "always" done that way, so it became difficult to get Jeremiah to understand that although he won a trophy last year, this year he was not going to take home a trophy. He told me that he "has" to take one home because he did last time. In teaching children about winning/losing or trophy/ribbon some kids may not get it, but in Jeremiah's case the misunderstanding is exaggerated to the 10th degree! It's never a simple explanation and never spoken about again, it's repeated over and over and over and over....etc.

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