Monday, February 06, 2006

I'm a big boy, now!

Yesterday Jeremiah and I went to a church we hadn't been to for 3 1/2 years to listen to my father's testimony. While we were there, many folks complimented Jeremiah. Saying, "You've gotten so tall!", "You're so handsome!", "You're a big boy, now!", and so on. Upon leaving, Jeremiah was too excited just to leave the church, he was pulling me right out the door. When we sat down in our van, he took a sigh of relief and repeated all the compliments he was given for the next 5 miles. Then he blurts out, "When I get bigger, I can do man sports!" In my ill informed mind, I was thinking perhaps baseball, golf, football (Because it was Superbowl Sunday). He then states, "I can race cars, and go REAL fast!" Well, that stopped my thoughts!

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