Tuesday, February 14, 2006

What would you do?

The kids and I were at the gas station and I started to get out to pay. Jeremiah wanted to do the honor, so I handed him a check I had already prepared. He ran up to pay the attendant when he noticed a 5 dollar bill on the ground. Without hesitation, he picked it up and gave it to the attendant and responded "It's not mine." I could see there was a problem, the attendant kept asking him, "Didn't you get that from your mommy?", "Are you sure that's not your mommy's?" He kept saying "No, it's not mine!" When I got there, the attendant asked me the same question and when I responded the same, she was shocked.

I think it stunned her to think that a child nowadays would be trusting enough to do what he did. I knew in my heart that Jeremiah did the right thing, even when I wasn't right by him. That gesture alone helped me to realize that Jeremiah is learning and that he is going to be "just fine!" God is on his side and that Sean and I are doing something right!


Brian The Autistic Jedi said...


I just found your blog and have been going through reading all of your wonderfull writings about Jeremiah and Autism. As an adult with Autism and the father of a son with Autism and a son with Asperger's, I find your blog entries to be the most entertaining of all the Autism related blogs on the net. Through out all of your little tales, I nod my head in agreement, as many times I have been there as both the parent and the child.

Thank you for expressing yourself there and sharing the stories of your blessings with the world.


Brian The Autistic Jedi said...

Hello again Melissa,

I couldn't reply directly to your post, but here is what I posted in response:

I must admit that I am still in the same catagory as your boy's father... While I have put the pieces together myself, even had professionals render their non-professional opinion, I have never been officially diagnosed. The way I view the need or lack of need for diagnosis is that I know who I am and don't necessarily need a professional to confirm it.

As for your questions:
1. I actually loved the story of the hushbrowns. This is very similar to many of the converstations my son, Connor, has had with people. I also truly appreciated the challenges you expressed with baseball. We tried T-Ball with Connor last year... it didn't go too well. In fact he stopped playing completely, telling me "Dad, I just don't think T-Ball is for a 5 year old."

2. I think a book with your stories about the challenges and blessings of parenting a child on the Autism spectrum is a wonderful idea. I would certainly love to read it myself.

I must say, I am somewhat envious of your writing skills, as much as I try, I can never seem to express things correctly.

Melissa C. said...

I just love to hear your comments, yet I can't reply properly if you don't leave your email. I have a hard time with the fact that I can not reply unless through this comment post. I also know that it is gutsy to put your email out there for everyone to see but I don't know another way. Your encouragement and feelings that I have helped in any way is wonderful. This is why God gave our children to us and not to someone else. They are OURS! Isn't God good!!!

Mamabirdof5 said...

I've been talking with others in trying to get a book out there. Thank you for your encouragement! :-)