Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Baseball cup

Not the trophy, the cup! You know, the one little boys have to wear when they play baseball to "protect" themselves. Well, Little League practice started today and one of the requirements was that all the boys during practice and games have to wear a cup. Equipped with jock strap and all. Fortunately, I found one brief/cup combo at Walmart.

One hour before the practice I had him change into his uniform, socks, cleats and of course the infamous......cup! As he pulled up the brief he says, "What's that?" I explained that all baseball players have to wear one to protect themselves if they get hit there by a ball during practice and the game. "Oh!" After he got all of his gear on I tapped on the cup and he didn't say anything. WHAM!!!!!!!!! He took all his strength and plunged his fist aimed right at the cup and with shock written all over my face, he said "Wow, mommy! It does work!" I was hoping that would be the end of that but then we arrived at practice.

He talked all the way from the van to the coach. Stood in amazement. The whole team went down field and started practicing. In his excitement, after catching one ball from another team mate he thrusted the ball into his groin and did a "happy dance." That happy dance appeared a handful of times during practice. To my liking, that "happy dance" got people wondering who he was and who his parents are, because they actually liked it. Not laughing at him, but sharing in his excitement, it allowed me to share with other parents about him and about autism. Funny how the little things can make us or break us. Jeremiah IS a joy, with every turnaround, thumbs up, wave and a wink to his proud mom on the sideline! What could be better?

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