Monday, March 28, 2005

Hear Ye, Hear Ye!!!!!

The theme all this week in homeschooling is about Royalty. Kings, Queens, Princes, Princesses, Lords, and Ladies....etc. As we were making crowns, learning about jobs and responsibilities in the castle we also talked about Esther and her road to becoming Queen. Since we have a wide array of Veggietale videos I thought we should all sit down and watch "Esther". We had a wonderful time and they started to grasp the idea.

So, being creative and also seeing if they would catch on, we did a role play. Initially, I just was tired and needed to sit down as they were still going full-speed ahead, yet it seemed like a good idea. I sat in a chair, as they all approached me I would give them a title. "Prince Jeremiah", "Princess Laura", "King Thomas" and last but not least "Queen Mommy!" Jeremiah was catching on to the idea and wanted to pretend all day. Even when his therapist arrived she became "Lady Tracie." I could ask him to do something for me and he'd bow and say "Yes, madam Queen!", "Right away, Queen!", "What can I do for you, Queen!"

I was getting quite attached to my role and more things were being done. They listened better, worked together, even pretended to be one another's servant saying, "Yes, master!" It was kind of thrilling to see how much fun they were having. Even Jeremiah came up later in the evening with a shield and a sword saying he was going to fight off the dragons and rescue me. Just think......I get to do this all week!

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